Sunday, May 10, 2009


Ladies and Germs,

once again, I apologize for the long hiatus, but we are finally back at long last!

A lot has happened since we last posted.

Let me bring you up to speed:

-Nick has been dealing with an ongoing identity crisis as well as some major emotional and
commitment issues.

-Victor has been living the good life in Madrid and making admirable additions to his resume.
He will be making his return to the good ol' US of A next week.

-Tommy is back and no longer abstinent to alcohol abuse (and yes, he is gayer than ever)

-Jayson is still trying to perfect his Rocket technology and will be lifeguarding this summer in Santa Barbara.

-Denny got into Vanguard University and is Ballin' for their Men's Basketball Team next year. Unfortunately (not really), He will no longer be making any more additions to the blog seeing as how he is not entertainining, nor is he "extra-horny".

-I (Ru$$) have just wrapped up my first year at UCLA, and now currently enjoying the DGAF lifestyle.


I have now entered adulthood, and at what perfect timing!

As many of you have noticed, the cloudy skies have finally began to clear and TANK (top) SEASON is upon us!

Despite the fact that I am starting summer school next week-- for the next three months, reading, writing, and studying are no longer my business.

This summer (just like every other) will be dedicated to relaxation and fornication.

We have been saving up some of our latest tales and adventures.
So be sure to stay tuned for some more tasteless and classless commentary from Nick Burke!

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