Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Celebrity Encounter: Kevin Love

Another embarrassing celebrity encounter...

A few weeks back, I had dranken myself into a retarded state at the Westwood Brewing Company.
My friend Alene and I were getting ready to leave, but all of the sudden out of the corner of my eye, I spot a 6'8 giant standing in the corner of the bar. It was none other than NBA player (and UCLA alum), Kevin Love.

"Oh shit!" I thought to myself.

"perfect chance for a photo op!"

Mr. Love seemed to just be relaxing and enjoying his beer (possibly illegally?) and really didn't seem like he wanted to be bothered.

Of course, that didn't stop me.

I leaned over to Alene, "alright, you gotta take a pic of me and Mr. Love!"

I squeezed my way through the crowded bar to get closer to Mr. Love himself.

Not really thinking, I walked up to Mr. Love as he was in the middle of a conversation and tried to get his attention.

At first, he did not seem to notice my presence, maybe due to the fact that he was 11-inches taller than me.

I had to act quickly, so without thinking, I did the first thing that came to my mind.
I walked up closer to Mr. Love and gave him a friendly punch in the chest. (just like friends do)

He stopped talking to whoever he was talking to and just blankly stared down at me.

I didn't really know what to do or say at this point, it had finally registered in my mind that I had just walked up and punched a 6'8 Kevin Love and acted as if we had been friends forever.

So I just uttered the first words that came into my brain:

Me: "Um, can I take a picture with you?"
Kevin Love: "uhh...yeah sure"

So, we posed for a quick snapshot compliments of Alene's iphone.

I was definitely feeling pretty awkward at this point, so in an attempt to gain back some of my dignity, I turned around to Mr. Love and said, "Thanks man, I'm a really big fan" and then hold out my fist for the ultimate sign of camaraderie, 'the fist pound'.

He looked at me for a second, I think it took him a second to realize that this was indeed actually happening.

After leaving me hanging for what felt like an eternity, our fists finally pounded and he just simply quipped, "yeah, thanks."

"good one Russ, you fucking idiot..."

I quickly turned around and left asap.

"Whatever, at least I got a cool pic with Kevin Love, I'm gonna make that shit my new default on Facebook." I thought to myself.

Alene told me she had emailed me the picture.
So when I got home, I hurried to open my email and check out my cool new souvenir.


There's no justice in this world.


  1. ditto. by the way, where are the other gentlemen?? not that I don't like hearing your celebrity encounters, russ.

  2. they're busy delivering pizzas for minimum wages.
