Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fucking Fuck Fuck

The time is 3:08am on Sunday March 15th (the Ides of March)
I am supposed to be studying for my Social Psychology final on Tuesday.
I have not learned a damn thing, and I got a D on my midterm.
So there is a high level of urgency, especially considering that I have roughly 600 pages of reading to do in order to be all caught up.

But what am I doing instead?

I am browsing and fueling my burning addiction to internet social networking websites, of which already consume roughly 85% of my life.

Right now, I am stalking Diddy on Twitter and loving every moment of it, rather than learning about the principles of attraction and intimacy in chapter 11 of my Social Psychology textbook.

For those of you unaware, I dropped a class during 8th week (a quarter is 10 weeks), and I am not currently passing my other 2 classes.

I Really, Really Hate Myself Right Now.

1 comment:

  1. You really hang out with me too much. This post is proof that I've rubbed off on you these past few years. I'd like to say that I'm dissapointed, but the fact is... I'm proud.
